Sunday, January 14, 2007

Religion religion religion... or: random ramblings of a raving madman #1

For anyone out there that might care... just my opinion... and yes I don't know the bible all that well.... If god is all that good why did he plague egypt (you know all the locus and killing babys) massmurder isn't all that nice in my book and secondly: why didn't he show himself/herself/itself to the pharao? Would have done it for me...

Oh yes god works in mysterius ways, which brings me to my next point, why did he cause the tsunami on the second day of christmas (26 december 2004, maybe he is an ironic god?) or katrina? What had those people done (you might have figured by now that I'm not really that big on that hole god idea)?

And finally...

Why did he create (knowing what would happen, he's omniscient you know) Adam n' Eve? shouldn't he have know atleast not to put a talking snake in there with 'em? And why did he feel the need to be born (by a supposed virgin) just so he could be cruxified and take all of our sins with him, he's god for gods sake, he should have been able to forgive them anyway because, you know, he's omnipotent he can do what ever the fuck he wants to...

puh that felt good....

... more on the subject in the future ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's assume that there is no God and you no longer have him to blame for the deaths on that Christmas Eve or the Twin Towers or whatever tragedy that happens. How do you deal with the reality of that suffering? The suffering and death is still real even if God is not!

It is interesting though that in real per-capita money and time investments those who do believe in God are among the first to arrive and the last to leave when disater stikes.