Tuesday, January 30, 2007

O come on....

.... it's not even funny anymore, I've turn of anonymous users from now on so I won't get completly flooded by anonymous cowards that only take up space.... if anyone should have any objections TOUGH!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

O give me a break....

....would you please give me a break you guys (the coward-ano... and green..).... I have no intention on continuing on this feud and it seems pretty clear to me that neither side will prevail on my blog... I do still have this nagging feeling that both these paranormalists are crackpots and nothing shy of real tangible evidence will convince me otherwise

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What's happend to reason....

... I don't know whether to laugh or to cry when faced with fundies (and there are alot of them out there) and their often complete disregard for the collective body of knowledge that's been accumulated over the course of history... If you need some examples check out the link below or go to the JREF forum

... for some entertaining (and sometimes scary reading) go to "Fundies say the darndest things" and check out the top100 quotes section

Saturday, January 20, 2007

O fuck!!!

I recently came across a videoclip on Google video from the movie 'Jesus Camp' and all I can say is I'm fucking glad to be an atheist and that I live in a secular country like Sweden where kids dont go to be indoctrinated by a raving loon such as the *lady* that runs this scary fucking place...

Thought I would add this for balance P&T the bible

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Loons come in many disguises

Some loons take it upon themselves to defend all sorts of claims and people, in this JREF thread you can read the entire diatribe from a person calling him-/herself 'Myth Buster' who where on a mission to redeem the reputation of a mr Sean Manchester a self-proclaimed Vampire Hunter who apparantly had a falling out with another loon (sorry 'Psychic Investigator') David Farrant some 30 odd years ago, this ended in Myth's banning from the forum due to the lack of respect he showed some asscociates of mr Farrant. All in all a highly amusing read (in my opinion) but not so informative as you would like.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The damn bible

Hi folks!

Just tought I'd share this video with you, it's about the bible... check it out, please check it out!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Religion religion religion... or: random ramblings of a raving madman #1

For anyone out there that might care... just my opinion... and yes I don't know the bible all that well.... If god is all that good why did he plague egypt (you know all the locus and killing babys) massmurder isn't all that nice in my book and secondly: why didn't he show himself/herself/itself to the pharao? Would have done it for me...

Oh yes god works in mysterius ways, which brings me to my next point, why did he cause the tsunami on the second day of christmas (26 december 2004, maybe he is an ironic god?) or katrina? What had those people done (you might have figured by now that I'm not really that big on that hole god idea)?

And finally...

Why did he create (knowing what would happen, he's omniscient you know) Adam n' Eve? shouldn't he have know atleast not to put a talking snake in there with 'em? And why did he feel the need to be born (by a supposed virgin) just so he could be cruxified and take all of our sins with him, he's god for gods sake, he should have been able to forgive them anyway because, you know, he's omnipotent he can do what ever the fuck he wants to...

puh that felt good....

... more on the subject in the future ....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

On a completly different note...

AAAHHHHH First cup of coffee today....

Oh sweet relief....

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hi everybody!

Thought that I'd adress an issue that might come up.

Since I'm swedish I'll likley use this blog in Swedish from time to time, or perhaps just allowing swedes that might like to use our native tounge to comment in swedish.

I hope this won't pose any problems. Due to the fact that we swedes typically have fairly descent knowledge in english this might not be a problem, but I thought I'd adress it non the less...

Scientology (Co$)

I have been watching this woo-woo flim-flam people of Scientology quite a bit lately and I cannot belive my eyes... It's hard to explain it so I think I'll just link to some useful sites xenu and xenutv

The Bronze Blog: Comment on the Scientology Nonsense

The Bronze Blog: Comment on the Scientology Nonsense

Yeay first post...

Hi all of you out there...
this my first ever blog and i hope to get a hole lot more out there in the future in the meantime keep it sceptic out there